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True Testimonial: Genesis of SPORTIFY

Posted by Ft. Arnab Guha 08/05/2022 0Comment(s) Testimonials,
“My 9-year old son Aarav, clocked 2.8 sec for a 12 meters sprint”


5-years ago he was diagnosed with Asthma & Wheezing and for almost two years, he was under nebulisers and what not....and as parent, we were running from pillar to post in Bangalore.
At that time, he was severely underweight, constipated & his overall growth-pattern was going for a toss.
In Oct.2016, he had a severe asthmatic attack one afternoon, we had to take him to nearby Columbia Asia Hospital emergency ward. The doctor found that his oxygen level had fallen below 80. The Doctor said - ‘you came at the right moment, if you had delayed by an hour it would have been very bad situation’. That was a moment of truth as parent. We decided that we will do whatever it needs to bring back health of our son. Still, "Delhi abhi door thi....." (we knew it was a long drawn battle as parent). 
For next two years, we got him check by many allergy specialist etc. But that didn't worked. Once it came to our mind that we were chasing a wild gesse. It was a situation of Known-Unknown. The 'Known' part was he had asthmatic issues & 'Unknown' part was nothing was clicking.  
Finally, with right interventions of allopathy, then homeopathy and gene-testing for food allergies, we could identify the root-cause of his pulmonological issues and eczema. #PrecisionRootCause
Well, in Aarav's case, it was a simple solution - we had to totally cut down intake of gluten & dairy products.
#Vegan #GlutenFree
This was the genesis of our super-nutritious brand Sportify - Wheat-Free Flour Range.
Within 2-3 weeks of administering vegan nutritious gluten-free diet in Dec.2018, we saw tremendous improvements in his
skin and breathing issues.
When we told this life-event to Dr.Partha Pratim Bose (Sr.Pulmonologist) from Delhi, he was so excited to hear our story in 2019. And now, he is in our scientific board.
With all types of clinical predispositions of gluten-intolerance, lactose-intolerance, constipation and eczema, my son is fighting against all odds and me as an innovator, feel happy that whatever scientific skills & knowledge I have acquired in past two decades, I could utilise/apply for well-being for my son, family and thousands of our happy #SportifyGlutenFree consumers now.
I thank my wife & my family members who were pillar of support in Aarav’s journey till date.
Disclaimer: I have written this blog post cum testimonial as a father of son who was suffering with clinical conditions. I am a senior food scientist as per my qualification and industrial experience. I always reccommend people to get their check-up done by qualified trustworthy medical professionals & for food related queries, visit a nutritionist & a dieticians. Never experiment on your own on yourself or on your known ones with half-knowledge or zero-knowledge or wrong-knowledge.

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