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Anemia - Why it is so Omnipresent in India?

Posted by Ft. Arnab Guha 13/05/2022 0Comment(s) Diseases - Gut Related,
The National Family Health Survey-5 (NFHS-5) of India stated that anaemia in:
  • children had increased from 58.6% in the NFHS-4 (2015-16) to 67% in the NFHS-5 (2019-21)
  • pregnant women increased to 52.2% from 50.4%,
  • women (15-49 years) who are anaemic also increased from 53% to 57%.
  • men (15-49 years) who were anaemic also rose from 22.7% to 25%.
The WHO defines anaemia wrt haemoglobin levels:
  • Children (6-59 months) & pregnant women < 11 g/dL (decilitre or a tenth of a litre)
  • Non-pregnant women: < 12g/dL
  • Men: < 13g/dL
Do you know, where dietary iron gets absorbed in human body?
  • Dietary Iron absorption occurs through the differentiated epithelial cells (enterocytes) of the mid and upper villus, and predominantly in the proximal part of the small intestine.
Our Thumbrule Believes:
  • Dietary iron absorption and level of intake - both matters
  • Inflammatory foods hampers iron absorption
  • Anemia is an indicator of poor gut health
  • Junk food and unbalanced diet can also lead to anemia
  • Productivity of an anemic person is significantly lower than his/her true potential
  • Iron in natural complex form - gets absorbed better in the human body
  • Children with cerebral palsy or autism should be tested for anemia and then course correction should be done through doctor and nutritionist and dietician if they are found to be anemic.
  • Overdose of iron pills intake is also not good; so, in order to have a sustainable non-anemic life, always focus on balanced non-inflammatory diet and mix of other micronutrients as well as non-inflammatory protein and dietary fibers.

Anemia is not considered as a big problem like cancer. So, India is not able to come out of it. Only few activist and few doctors are shouting at top of their voice. Society as whole is still keeping mum, almost oblivious to its potential danger.

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