Have you seen any drastic changes in the behavioural pattern of your friends & relatives in your lifespan? As per various scientific research, gut mi...
Dear All.....MERRY CHRISTMAS...We just wanted to spread a critical message on this X'Mas that 70% IMMUNITY comes from our GUT. Should we ignore or be ...
What is an Autoimmune Disease? An autoimmune disease is a condition in which your own immune system attacks your body by mistake i.e. the healthy cell...
List of 80+ Autoimmune Diseases and countingNote: The list provides a starting point in learning about autoimmune diseases and immune-mediated conditi...
List of Autoimmune-Related or Suspected Autoimmune Conditions or Variant or SubtypeNote: The list provides a starting point in learning about autoimmu...
Some of the Blanket Statements given by some experts: “Rice is almost like poison for you”. “Rice causes diabetes (Type-2)”. “Don’t eat Rice as you h...
We all know that India is likely to be awarded the dubious distinction of Diabetes Capital of the world very, overtaking our neighbour China. The prev...
SOME SHOCKING FACTS Number of blind persons in India is currently over 18 million i.e +1.8 crore. Vision impairment is a major problem in India. India...
Has the world forgotten Bhutan during the last two years of pandemic? Average Life-expectancy in Bhutan is only ~72 YEARS & there are ~100 countries w...
The National Family Health Survey-5 (NFHS-5) of India stated that anaemia in:children had increased from 58.6% in the NFHS-4 (2015-16) to 67% in the N...