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Work Family Balance - How?

Posted by Ft. Arnab Guha 01/05/2022 0Comment(s) Article,


The way your home KITCHEN is pivotal for you and your family’s health, same way your office pantry is critical for your own health. This chart gives an approximate time you invest w.r.t your office (~46%). That’s a huge number!!!


It’s important that corporates should instruct their outsourced partners of office canteen to focus on nutritious menu only. Easy access to junk food, indulgence food etc should be discouraged. You cannot enforce food restrictions at office for your employees but you can make them understand it’s implications and raise awareness on nutritious non-inflammatory food choices. A super fit and mentally agile workforce is much more productive than otherwise.

For your office pantry, buy nutritious #GFCFSF foods from IIPLeM.


#GutFriendly #GlutenFreeCaseinFreeSoyFree #Vegan #Sustainable #SuperNutritious #IIPLeM #WorkFamilyBalance #Data #HealthFirst #corporatehealth #NutritionInsurance #OfficePantry #Productivity #HealthAndBeyond

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