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Breakfast - What's your daily investment?

Posted by Ft. Arnab Guha 19/11/2022 0Comment(s) Article,

Breakfast is a critical component of today’s fast-paced lifestyle. 6-8 hours night sleep gives the right type of rest to all your body organs.


Usually, a night meal will get digested within 4 hours and if it’s rich in simple sugars and junk foods, then it may get utlized even early as well.



You can think to start your day with a well-balanced nutritious breakfast before going to office or carry your own tiffin to your workplace. You need to just give more weightage to Better-Breakfast.


Many times, people do brunch directly at 12pm without taking breakfast.


They usually prefer 2-times meal ie brunch and dinner. But unfortunately, then tend to hog so much of calorie and salt loaded snacks/confectionery/mini-bite-fast food snacks, that it just give them an assemblance of them having the right dietary pattern.



When I am not travelling outdoors, I prefer 3-meals a day and that to nutritious gluten-free: Breakfast (9/10am), Lunch (2/3pm) & Dinner (8pm or before). However, sometimes the dinner gets as late as 10-10:30pm, which is not a correct thing for me..Gluten-free snacking time is usually 12pm and 5pm.



Coffee with our Sportify low GI glycemic index sugar is around 1pm (so that most of the caffeine gets utlized by my body before I go to sleep at night.



If your fooding becomes regulated and timing of the meals are also regulated, then you will have better circadian rhythm of your body, where every body organs will playing a harmonious orchestra w.r.t. melodious music of health (just metaphorically speaking).






Out of the 47 votes received, 45% of the voters do investment of 50 INR for their own home-breakfast.


What was even more significant that 28% people who do investment of 100 INR for their breakfast outnumbers 21% of people who do investment of only Rs.20.


Overall, it shows that people are ready to do investment of 50-100 INR for the breakfast in their family per person per day.



#BreakfastLikeKing #NonSugaryBreakfast #VeganBreakfast #ReadyToCookBreakfast #RTC #CookingTheBreakfast #ConvenientCooking #MilletBreakfast #NutritiousBreakfast #TastyBreakfast #BalancedNutrition #MedicineInYourKitchen #KitchenIsPantryOfYourHospital


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