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Vegan Gluten-free Gut-impacting Food Brand SPORTIFY since 2019

Posted by Ft. Arnab Guha 12/01/2023 0Comment(s) Article,


Impeccable Innovations Pvt Ltd (IIPL) pre-launched the vegan gluten-free brand #SPORTIFY on 09.01.2019




The journey for the past 4 years has been riveting for us. 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022…..



Also Read: Meet Ft. Arnab Guha - The Social Entrepreneur





Over the years, what we have always focused - on how to work towards making a global socially responsible legacy brand from India like TATA.


Like for mankind, #PANDEMIC was not kind to our brand as well but we persevered persevered persevered relentlessly.



I still remember that there was a point in 2021, when we didn’t even had enough funds to buy the next lot of raw materials.



Do you know, who helped us? Our #CONSUMERS who had been consuming Sportify month on month. They said to me - “Arnab, please don’t close down your startup. Please don’t stop manufacturing of Sportify. If you stop, then I am not sure, if my gastric issues will resurface in future or not”. This was the statement from one of our 81 YO diabetic consumer from Agra. Am so happy to say that he survived the pandemic inspite of his earlier health challenges.


Also Read: Type-2-Diabetes - Why it is exploding in India?


As a socially responsible entrepreneur, when you hear such things, then you know, you have been able to impact lives of so many people and will be able to impact so many lives of people who don’t know yet about our brand. #impactinglives


So, how we made the turnaround to our business?


We went 100% digital, in a #D2C mode. #DirectToConsumer


We converted our website to an e-commerce marketplace like mini-amazon (for vegan gluten-free nutritious foods and allied products) and gave provisions to other like-minded startups who were also struggling at that time, to sell their products from our #IIPLeM platform


We also started collaborating with Centres for people with #Autism like in Hyderabad, Jharkhand, Gurgaon (still WIP). We got very good and meaningful traction. All such #bootstrapped initiatives helped us to assess how effective our brand is in different #diseases & #disorders segments.


Due to our relentless approach in startup world, we also won a grant from Central Govt of India, under RKVY RAFTAAR NGRAIN program competition for Agripreneurship in Cohort-2 via Nutrihub Tbi-Hyderabad in 2021. This was mainly because our brand SPORTIFY believes in the power of #MILLETS and being an experienced food scientist with 17 years of work-experience, the jury may have thought that IIPL can bring the best of the best value-added millet foods in the market.


We understood that general public is not hooked to understand biological science application and benefits of nutritious food. So, in order to dessiminate the basic knowledge of nutrition, health and scientific thinking, we published more 200 videos in two of our YOUTUBE CHANNELS of SPORTFY & 5pointerz


Now, as we look forward towards the growth phase of our startup in 2023, we are working on initiation of EXPORTs and brand extensions into interesting categories. Just to give a sneak-peak, we are launching a todu-phodu brand called #PLAPOSH, which will mark our entry into alternate protein segment. Our first launch in this segment will be a disruptive #PlantBasedMilk alternative category.





I sincerely thank all our consumers till date from Feb.2016, who have kept our startup thriving in difficult times.


I am also thankful to all people who interacted with any of our social media post in Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp.


Because your visible interactions and engagements with our 'nutrition and health' related posts, made sure that, we don’t miss having a big brand endorser like BigB etc.



I also thank my lovely life-partner Neha, my parents, our ex-and existing employees, our advisors, our business collaborators, some of my relatives and few of my close friends, who kept encouraging me over the years and helped to keep my chin-up in difficult circumstances. Without all your support, I couldn’t have dare to dream so big things for humanity against all odds and severe competition.





Finally, I would like to say that having given the best of my life's precious most-productive years to building our startup #IIPL from 2016 till date and impacting human lives in their vulnerable health conditions, I feel like a really contended person and a hungrier entrepreneur than past.


Keep supporting us with your good wishes!!!



Thanks a ton.



#FMCG #CPG #FoodBrand #FoodThyMedicines #ImpactingThousandsOfLives #WillBeImpactingBillionsOfLives #RightFoodGoodLife #Acidity #GastricIssues #Constipation #LooseMotions #GERD #Type2Diabetes #T2D #GutHealth #GumBleeding #CP #CerebralPalsy #Autism #Anemia #BrainFog #Energetic #CancerSurvivor #Asthma

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