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How many Indians would be knowing about HbA1c?

Posted by Ft. Arnab Guha 25/11/2022 0Comment(s) Diseases - Gut Related,

We all know that India is likely to be awarded the dubious distinction of Diabetes Capital of the world very, overtaking our neighbour China.


The prevalence of diabetes has tripled (3X) in China & nearly doubled (~2X) in India in less than 2 decades.


Worldwide prevalence of diabetes estimated at 463 million adults in 20-79 age group; India has 77 million, while China has 116 million.



India was the largest contributor to diabetes mortality with more than 1 million estimated deaths attributable to diabetes and related complications, in the larger South East Asian region.


What I think that unless a common man understand the basics of diabetes, it cannot be controlled or reduced in the 1.4 billion country like ours.


You know, in any disease condition, if the diet is regulated and controlled, then medicinal-interventions will work even better.



Otherwise, it will be just going 10 steps forward with efforts of your doctor/diabetologist and going 11 steps backwards due to your negligence towards diet & nutrition.


Let’s be little more determined & disciplined than yesterday in terms of our fooding.





Our body is like a holy worship place.


You cannot abuse it for too long.


#IIPLpoll Link:



Around 37% of the voters of this poll thinks that only 10% Indians would be knowing about HbA1c. This means that majority of the voters believed that 63% Indians in India will not be knowing about HbA1c.


Isn't that very alarming as the soon to-be Diabetic-Capital of the world?

However, my personal opinion was slightly better. I believe that atleast 20% Indians will be knowing about HbA1c. Maybe I am wrong.


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